When and why to change a ministry is a hard call. Patricia Jehle will be addressing the issue of when to hang fast and when to change a ministry, part two of a three-part series on decision-making. Our Christian Ministry Maven for these episodes is Patricia Jehle, a university instructor in Switzerland and a business coach. In this episode Patricia gives us tips on what success in ministry might look like, when to hang fast, and when to quit and move on. She answers this question from a missionary in the field:
"Give us tips and practical tools on making decisions about change, moving forward, or terminating a ministry that isn't productive or standing fast with a hope for future breakthroughs."
Today's podcast will be on listening to God to make a decision regarding making a ministry change or not. This process seems, in some ways, rather daunting, but in other ways, quite simple. It is daunting when we feel we might get it wrong, but I believe God will guide you in your decision-making process. It is simple when thinking about God's big picture and what He wants in general for all of us.
Click the green play button to listen to Patricia:
Here are some suggestions to consider when you continue in the path you are going:
The Carl Rogers reflection model: 1) You have an experience and then you ask:
What happened? Think about it from your perspective, from the perspective of someone on the receiving end of the ministry, the fly on the wall, and if you can, from God’s perspective.
2) You reflect on the experience and think about your feelings, and all the recipients’ feelings, and then reflect on what happened after that (behavioral and the consequences) 3) then you try and form hypotheses as to why this happened and why the results (both physical and emotional) were what they were. Here is where you may want to revise your opinion, your method, or change everything completely. 4) finally, you put the newly reached ideas into practice – and then you begin the reflection process all over again. After all, we are in a life-long learning and growing process! And that is positive for us and for our ministries. Website: http://www.charismamag.com/spirit/spiritual-growth/17978-god-s-definition-of-success Book: “The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God. Having the Guts to Respond.” Bill Hybels, Zondervan Press An awesome TEDtalk on perception http://www.ted.com/talks/kathryn_schulz_on_being_wrong#
“Decision Making and the Will of God: A Biblical Alternative to the Traditional View.” Garry Friesen with Robin Maxson, Multnomah Press “The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God. Having the Guts to Respond.” Bill Hybels, Zondervan Press
Patricia Jehle (pronounced "yay lay") is a part-time lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwest Switzerland and is also a certified business coach and a spiritual director. Besides working for InterVarsity USA in the past, she has served as a short term missionary in the Philippines and in Thailand. Along with several other ministries, she is involved in the leadership of a church plant in her local neighborhood in Switzerland. Sharing the life-giving truth of the Gospel is one of her passions. Patricia Jehle has a Masters of Education from the University of Minnesota. Patricia Jehle can be reached through her: Websites: www.jehle-coaching.com/ and www.jehle-coachingexpat.com LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/patricia-jehle-christensen Facebook: www.facebook.com/Jehle.Coaching/ Twitter: @PJehle
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