QT4CM Episode 48

resiliency Nov 07, 2017

Grab Hold of True Grit — Part 10 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks.

In his final session with us about resiliency, Cam is going to talk to us about "true grit".  Grit is an essential quality when met with adversity. Cam shows us how to develop more of it. There’s an endurance race called “The Tough Mudder”. Competitors crawl through mud, climb over walls, and navigate harsh surroundings.  We asked Cam what quality do those competitors have, that you also need to have, when dealing with a setback.

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:  

You can download Cam’s Lesson 10 Action Guide by clicking here.  

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about "True Grit" in this video:



And…There are several ways you can connect with Cam including how to find out about his new book "Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted."

The best way to access his free material or purchase his book is on his website at www.camtaylor.net.

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QT4CM Episode 47

resiliency Nov 02, 2017

Always Be Storm Ready — Part 9 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks.

Surviving adverse circumstances favors the prepared. One of the ways we can learn to overcome our challenges is to look at people in history whose stories teach us what to do and not to do. Cam begins this tip with a story about being storm ready.  

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:  

You can download Cam’s Lesson 9 Action Guide by clicking here.  

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about preparing to be "Storm Ready" in this video:



And…There are several ways you can connect with Cam including how to find out about his new book "Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted."

The best way to access his free material or purchase his book is on his website at www.camtaylor.net.

He has an email course on resiliency, an excerpt of his book to download for free, a journal that goes with the book or the option of signing up for a free exploratory...

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QT4CM Episode 46

resiliency Oct 31, 2017

Your attitude determines your altitude — Part 8 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks.

Your attitude determines your altitude when facing adversity and a setback. Have you ever flown on a small plane beside the pilot? Among all those instruments and dials and switches on the dashboard of an airplane is what’s called an attitude indicator. Cam tells us what the attitude indicator does, and how it illustrates something we need, in order to thrive after a setback. Your attitude determines your altitude when facing adversity and a setback. Here's one key element about keeping a resilient attitude  you don't want to miss.

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:  

You can download Cam’s Lesson 8 Action Guide by clicking here.  

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about keeping a resilient attitude in this video:



And…There are several ways you can connect with Cam including how to find out about his new book "Detour: A Roadm...

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QT4CM Episode 45

resiliency Oct 26, 2017

Build Replenishing Connections — Part 7 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks.

When met by a setback, the role connections play is critical. Two factors set the tone for success. Cam answers this question: “Say we are hit with a setback or roadblock that unexpectedly happens in our ministry lives... what is the role that people play on that journey?”      

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:  

You can download Cam’s Lesson Seven Action Guide by clicking here.  

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about building replenishing connections in this video:



And…There are several ways you can connect with Cam including how to find out about his new book "Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted."

The best way to access his free material or purchase his book is on his website at www.camtaylor.net.

He has an email course on resiliency, an excerpt of his book to download for free, a journal that goes with the book or t...

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QT4CM Episode 44

resiliency Oct 24, 2017

Learn to wait — Part 6 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks.

Waiting isn't something we do naturally but is essential when met with roadblocks. We all want to get to our goals and destination fast and without problems. For this reason, people love their microwave ovens and high speed internet. Unfortunately, waiting is part of the deal when we unexpectedly meet with an unwelcome setback. Leadership Coach Cam Taylor is back with us today with his sixth tip on thriving when faced with ministry setbacks. Cam is author of the book "Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted." Cam answers this question: "What advice do you give to a person faced with a season of waiting?”

Waiting isn't something we do naturally but is essential when met with roadblocks. Learn one essential for waiting well.

  Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:  

You can download Cam’s Lesson Six Action Guide by clicking here.

Cam Taylor provides some further though...

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QT4CM Episode 43

resiliency Oct 19, 2017

Part 5 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks.

Pain, looked at from the right perspective, may have more to teach us than first appears. Leadership Coach Cam Taylor is back with us today with his fifth talk on thriving when faced with ministry setbacks. Cam responds to this question: "There is a popular belief that pain is negative and an unwelcome guest in our lives. What do you say to the person who holds to that belief, yet is hit by unexpected suffering of some kind?" His topic in this QT4CM episode is:

Throw Off Faulty Beliefs About Pain.

C.S. Lewis said, "But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

  Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:  

You can download Cam’s Lesson Five Action Guide by clicking here.

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about faulty beliefs about pain in this video:

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QT4CM Episode 42

resiliency Oct 17, 2017

Part 4 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks

We are continuing in our series with Leadership Coach Cam Taylor on successfully managing those detours in life and ministry. We asked Cam to comment on this statement we hear a lot from well-meaning ministry colleagues:  “Some people would say that during a ministry setback, all you need is a little faith to get you through and some God infused optimism!" His topic in this QT4CM episode is:

Embrace tempered optimism, not blind faith.

Optimism alone falls short during times of stress and adversity. Find out a better approach Cam suggests in this QT4CM episode.

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:

You can download Cam’s Lesson Four Action Guide by clicking here.

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about tempered optimism in this video:



And…There are several ways you can connect with Cam including how to find out about his new book "Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Re...

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QT4CM Episode 41

resiliency Oct 12, 2017

Part 3 of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks

Leadership Coach Cam Taylor is back with us today with his third tip on thriving when faced with ministry setbacks. Ministry setbacks can disturb our sense of purpose. Cam speaks about the important role purpose has in learning to thrive during a setback. His topic in this QT4CM episode is:

Pursue a Purpose You Can Live For.

Quote by Viktor E. Frankl — “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.

What do you think this means and why do you think purpose is so powerful?

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:

You can download Cam’s Lesson Three Action Guide by clicking here.

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about purpose in this video: ]



And…There are several ways you can connect with Cam including how to find out about his new book "Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted."

The best way to access his free material...

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QT4CM Episode 40

resiliency Oct 10, 2017

Part Two of Cam Taylor's 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks

In our previous episode leadership coach Cam Taylor spoke to us about hope when we dance with adversity.  Ministry setbacks affect us in many ways -- one of those ways is in how we feel. In today's episode Cam gives us tips to help us deal with the emotional side to a setback.

There are four emotional puzzle pieces talked about in the lesson - emotional self-awareness, dancing with emotions, emotional self-mastery, and the value of deep crying. Cam explains why emotional self-awareness is a good place to begin when dealing with setbacks and roadblocks.

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:

You can download Cam’s Lesson Two Action Guide by clicking here.

Cam Taylor provides some further thoughts about emotion in this video:




And…There are several ways you can connect with Cam including how to find out about his new book "Detour: A Roadmap For When Life Gets Rerouted."

The b...

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QT4CM Episode 39

resiliency Oct 05, 2017

Part One of 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks

Our Christian Ministry Maven for this episode is Cam Taylor, a leadership coach, speaker, and author who helps people in the church and marketplace live with purpose and resiliency.

Find True Hope Not Just Wishful Thinking

Cam joins us today from British Columbia to share some of the lessons he learned while on a long recovery journey after a serious motorcycle accident.  He has graciously agreed to talk to us about "Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks", and this will be a first in a series of episodes where he will give us tips on living with purpose and resiliency in our ministries.   He has entitled this series: 10 Keys to Thriving When Faced with Ministry Setbacks.  

Click the green play button to listen to Cam Taylor:  

Cam will be coming back on the QT4CM podcast next Tuesday and will be sharing more insights with us on living with purpose and resiliency in our ministries, from his series 10 Keys to Th...

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